A.D.D. In Focus Coaching & Advocacy
273 Main Street
Yarmouth, ME 04096
(207) 776-2987
Email: 4Saints | at | Maine.rr.com
Helping students and adults struggling with ADD and/or executive function deficits. Providing support and advocacy within IEP process.
A.D.D. with EASE
Laurie Moore Skillings
P.O. Box 3851
Portland, ME 04104-3851
(207) 878-ADHD (2343)
Email: laurie | at | addwithease.com
Web: http://addwithease.com
Strength-based, co-active ADHD coaching for families to help them Advance Day by Day with Encouragement, Accountability, Support, and Empowerment (A.D.D. with E.A.S.E.).
Autism Society of Maine
693 Western Avenue, Suite 2
Manchester, ME 04351
(207) 626-2708; (800) 273-5200 (in ME)
Email: asm | at | mint.net
Alan J. Azzara, Esq.
Attorney at Law
83 Ridge View Lane
Wiscasset, ME 04578
(207) 882-8435; (207) 318-3649
Email: MEDLAWAA | at | AOL.COM
Representing parents and students in all special education matters
Carlisle Academy Integrative Equine Therapy
Sarah Armentrout
65 Drown Lane
Lyman, ME 04002
(207) 985-0374; (207) 985-7937 (fax)
Email: info | at | carlisleacademymaine.com
Web: http://carlisleacademymaine.com
Hippotherapy, therapeutic riding, carriage driving, interactive vaulting for children and adults with disabilities. Specialized programs for school children, pre-schoolers, seniors and veterans.
Casco Bay Advocacy
Kathy Ostergaard
47 Westbranch Road
Cumberland, ME 04021
(207) 233-7423
Email: kosterga | at | maine.rr.com
In my current practice I work with families of children with special needs, helping them advocate for appropriate services for their child.
Center for Community Inclusion, UAP
5717 Corbett Hall, Rm 114
The University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5717
Web: http://www.umaine.edu/cci/
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders (C.H.A.D.D.)
Web: http://www.chaddonline.org/chapters/chadd796.html
Client Assistance Program
C.A.R.E.S., Inc
4C Winter Street
Augusta, ME 04330
(207) 622-7055; (800) 773-7055 (V/TTY)
Web: http://www.caresinc.com/
James A. Clifford, Esq.
Attorney at Law
One Monument Way, Suite 421
Portland, ME 04101
(207) 541-9101; (877) 351-1817 (fax)
Email: jamesclifford | at | jamescliffordlaw.com
Legal advocacy for parents of students eligible for or receiving special education services and/or Section 504 plans. Licensed to practice in Maine and Massachusetts.
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
Disability Rights Center of Maine
DHHS/ME CDC/Children with Special Health Needs
Toni Wall, Program Manager
286 Water Street, 7th floor
Augusta, ME 04333
(207) 287-5357; (207) 287-5355 (fax)
Email: toni.g.wall | at | maine.gov
Education Services for Blind and Visually Impaired Children
Catholic Charities Maine
1066 Kenduskeag Avenue
Bangor, ME 04401
(207) 941-2855
Email: jsmall | at | ccmaine.org
Fagan Center for Communication
Dr. Elizabeth Fagan
985 Forest Ave
Portland, ME 04103
(207) 797-2351; (207) 797-8738; (207) 797-8650 (fax0
Email: lrfagan | at | earthlink.net
Web: http://www.fagancenter.com
Speech-Language Pathology services and family services for children, adolescents and adults with communication disorder.
Susan Fitzgerald Grant Consultancy
72 Houghton Street
Auburn, ME 04210
(207) 615-8302; (207) 344-3095; (207) 344-3095 (fax)
Email: snsgrants | at | gwi.net
I have worked with children and adults having disabilities for 2o+ years. I have advanced degrees as well as hands on experience.
G.E.A.R. (Gaining Empowerment Allows Results) Parent Network
Carol Tiernan, Director
c/o Crisis and Counseling Centers
32 Winthrop St
Augusta, ME 04330-5624
(800) 264-9224; (207) 626-3448
Email: tiernan | at | verizon.net
Web: http://www.gearparentnetwork.com
A non-profit family organization that empowers families of children with behavioral health needs to build on their families strengths and to advocate for their needs.
Home Education & Family Services/Royal Academy
Shirley Minster
15 Shaker Road
PO Box 1056
Gray, ME 04039
(207) 657-2800; (207) 657-2404 (fax)
Email: sminster | at | securespeed.net
Web: http://www.HomeEducator.com
We help parents examine and choose the most appropriate educational program to educate their children, K-post high school. USA and international consultations are available.
Infinite Horizons
Karri White, LSW
180 Main St. Suite B
Norway, ME 04268
(207) 743-3946; (207) 743-6133 (fax)
Email: karri | at | ihinc.org
Web: http://www.ihinc.org
Specializing in providing Targeted Case Management services to children birth to twenty years of age with mental retardation, autism, or developmental delays.
Ingraham Volunteers
Web: http://www.ingraham.org/
Katahdin Friends, Inc. (KFI)
Joann Dickinson
1024 Central St. Suite A
Millinocket, ME 04462
(207) 723-9466; (207) 723-5099 (fax)
Email: jdickinson | at | kfimaine.org
Web: http://www.kfimaine.org
KFI provides children’s and adult case management to the MR/Autism population. We also provide supported living and day habilitation to adults with MR/Autism.
KIDS LEGAL at Pine Tree Legal Assistance
Sara DePasquale
88 Federal Street
P.O. Box 547
Portland, ME 04112
(207) 774-8246; (207) 828-2300 (fax)
Email: sarad | at | ptla.org
Web: http://www.kidslegal.org
KIDS LEGAL is Maine’s first and only children’s law project. We provide direct representation to low income families, consultations, and group trainings.
Lean On Me
Stephanie Moores
203 Kennedy Highway
Milbridge, ME 04658
(207) 598-8066
Email: stephanie_moores | at | yahoo.com
Support group for parents with special needs children of all ages and diagnosis focusing on advocating for your child.
Learning Disabilities Association of Maine
179 Main Street, Suite 410
Waterville, ME 04901-6672
(877) 208-4029; (207) 861-7824; (207) 861-7823 (fax)
Email: info | at | ldame.org
Web: http://www.ldame.org
Our mission is to assist individuals with specific learning disabilities and their families through support, education and collaborative efforts within our communities.
Maine Congress of Parents and Teachers
Maine Consumer Information and Technology
Maine Department of Education, Office of Special Services Home Page
23 State House Station,
Augusta, ME 04333-0023;
(207) 287-5950; (207) 287-5900 (fax); (207) 287-2550 (TTY)
Web: http://www.state.me.us/education/specserv.htm
Maine Down Syndrome Network
Jen Greslick
P.O. Box 705
Windham, ME 04062
(866) 571-2223
Email: info | at | dsmaine.org
Web: http://www.dsmaine.org
Non-Profit organization providing support, education and advocacy to our members and our communities. We invite families, professionals and community members to join us.
Maine Fragile X Resource Group
Julie Gosselin
PO Box 180
Gray, ME 04039
(207) 657-2395; (207) 224-2035
Email: mainefragilex | at | yahoo.com
Provides educational and emotional support for those affected by Fragile X, promotes public and professional awareness, and supports research toward improved treatments and a cure for Fragile X Syndrome.
* Maine Parent Federation
Janice LaChance
PO Box 2067
Augusta, ME 04338
(207) 588-1933; (207) 588-1938 (fax)
Email: parentconnect | at | mpf.org
Web: http://www.mpf.org
Maine Speech-Language-Hearing Association
150 Frances Street
Portland, ME 04102-2512
(207) 871-5842
Email: thisbetterbgood | at | excite.com
Maine Special Education Regulations
Merrywing Corporation
Lou McIntosh
178 H.L. Dow Highway
Eliot, ME 03903
(207) 439-0382; (207) 752-0666; (207) 439-8413 (fax)
Email: merrywing | at | merrywing.com
Serving Maine, NH and northern MA
Midcoast Advocacy
Buckley J. Hugo
2 Sandy Ridge Road
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 504-7983
Email: Buckley.H | at | usa.net
Web: http://www.midcoastadvocacy.com
Providing special education advocacy services for families of children with special needs throughout mid coast Maine.
Milestones Family Services, LLC
Jane Landry, LSW
849 Main Street, Suite 300
Sanford, ME 04073
(207) 490-6931; (877) 406-6282; (207) 490-4151 (fax)
Email: jane | at | milestonesfamilyservices.com
Individualized, quality case management services provided to families with children birth through twenty with special needs.(birth-5 with Developmental Delays,age 6-20 with MR, Autism, Asperger’s, PDD-NOS)
NAMI Maine
P.O. Box 5120
Augusta, ME 04332
(207) 622-5767; (800) 464-5767 (in ME only)
Email: clcarothers | at | hotmail.com
Web: http://me.nami.org
National Mental Health Association
1021 Prince Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-2971
(703) 684-7722; (800) 969-6642
New England ADA Technical Assistance Center
Northeast Life Care Planning-Holden, Inc.
Barbara Bate
325 South Rd.
Holden, ME 04429
(207) 843-5729; (877) 843-5729; (866) 878-9147 (fax)
Email: bbate | at | nlcp.net
Medical Case Management, Life Care Plans, Medicare Set-Aside allocations, and Medical Cost Projections. Certifications: Nurse Life Care Planning, Medicare Set-Aside consulting, Case Management, and Legal Nurse Consulting.
Office of State Coordinator of Vocational Education for Students with Disabilities
Workforce Education
Department of Education
23 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0023
(207) 624-6730; (207) 287-5854
Richard L. O’Meara, Esq.
Murray, Plumb & Murray
75 Pearl Street
P.O. Box 9785
Portland, ME 04104-5085
(207) 773-5651 voice, (207) 773-8023 fax
Email: romeara | at | mpmlaw.com
Serving ME and NH
Ann Mary Palozzi, Psy.D.
7 Oak Hill Terrace, Suite 3
Scarborough, ME
(207) 883-4283; (207) 883-4284 (fax)
Email: annpalozzi | at | att.net
Neuropsychological evaluations for children through adults. For child evaluations the emphasis is the relationship with leanring,behavior, and the brain.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Maine Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc.
16 Winthrop Street
Augusta, ME 04330
(207) 621-2782
Email: me_office | at | pta.org
Parent Training and Information Center (PTI)
Maine Parent Federation
P.O. Box 2067
Augusta, ME 04338-2067
(207) 623-2144; (800) 870-7746 (in ME)
Email: parentconnect | at | mpf.org
Web: http://www.mpf.org/
Melissa Pawloski, Esq.
Attorney at Law
80 Exchange St.
PO BOX 1210
Bangor, ME 04402-1210
(207) 992-4340; (207) 942-3040 (fax)
Email: mpawloski | at | eatonpeabody.com
Web: http://www.eatonpeabody.com/
Legal advocacy for parents of students eligible for or receiving special education services, gifted and talented children and/or Section 504 plans. Licensed to practice in Maine and New Hampshire.
Pine Tree Society
149 Front Street
Bath, ME 04530
(207) 443-3341
Email: info | at | pinetreesociety.org
Email: erinrice | at | pinetreesociety.org
Web: http://www.pinetreesociety.org/
Offering a full range of comprehensive, professional services designed to help Maine people with disabilities lead fuller, richer lives. Pine Tree Society: Discovering abilities together.
Robert M. Powers, Esq.
Attorney at Law
58 Portland Road
Kennebunk, ME 04043
(207) 985-2008; (866) 840-1720 (fax)
Email: rmplaw | at | roadrunner.com
An attorney and special educator providing parents with analysis of their special education issues, representation at IEP meetings and/or formal due process legal representation.
Programs for Children and Youth who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Governor Baxter School for the Deaf
Mackworth Island
Falmouth, ME 04105
(207) 781-3165
Programs for Children with Disabilities: Ages 3 through 5
Part C and Section 619 Coordinator
Child Developrnent Services
State House, Station #146
Augusta, ME 04333
(207) 287-3272
Web: http://www.state.me.us/education/homepage.htm
Programs for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Ages Birth through 2
Child Development Services
State House, Station 146
Augusta, ME 04333
(207) 624-6660
Web: www.state.me.us/education
The Progress Center, Inc.
Laurie Phillips
35 Cottage Street
Norway, ME 04268
(207) 743-8049; (207) 739-2349 (fax)
Email: lphillip | at | megalink.net
Web: http://www.progresscentermaine.org
Children’s Case Management for coordination of services, resource assistance, referrals, advocacy and support. We serve children with mental retardation/autism/mental health issues.
Protection and Advocacy Agency
Disability Rights Center of Maine
P.O. Box 2007
Augusta, ME 04338-2007
(207) 626-2774 (V/TTY); (800) 452-1948 (V/TTY in ME)
Email: advocate | at | drc.org
Regional ADA Technical Assistance Agency
New England ADA Technical Assistance Center
Adaptive Environments Center, Inc.
374 Congress Street, Suite 301
Boston, MA 02210
(617) 695-0085 (V/TTY); (800) 949-4232 (V/TTY)
Email: adaptive | at | adaptenv.org
Web: http://www.adaptenv.org/
Southern Maine Parent Awareness
886 Maine Street Suite 303
Sanford ME 04072
(207) 324-2337; (800) 564-9696 (in the state of Maine only); (207) 324-5621 (fax)
Email: support | at | somepa.org
Web: www.somepa.org
State Agency for the Visually Impaired
Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired
150 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0150
(207) 624-5959
State Department of Education: Special Education
Department of Education
Office of Special Services
23 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0023
(207) 624-6650; (207) 624-6800 (TTY)
Email: DStockford | at | doe.k12.ed.us
Web: www.state.me.us/education/speced/specserv.htm
State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
Maine Developmental Disabilities Council
139 State House Station
Room 313, Building 205, Togus Center
Augusta, ME 04333
(207) 287-4213; (800) 244-3990 (in ME only)
Web: http://www.maineddc.org/
State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
ME Developmental Disabilities Council
139 State House Station, Nash Building, Station
Capitol and Sewall Streets
Augusta, ME 04333-0139
(207) 287-4213; (207) 287-8001 (fax); (800) 244-3990 (in Me only)
State Education Agency Rural Representative
Office of Special Services
Department of Education
23 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0023
(207) 624-6650; (207) 624-6800 (TTY)
Web: www.state.me.us/education/speced/specserv.htm
State Mediation System
Office of Special Services, Due Process
23 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0023
(207) 624-6650
Web: www.state.me.us/education/specserv.htm
State Mental Health Agency
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
40 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
(207) 287-4223; (207) 287-2000 (TTY)
Web: www.state.me.us/dmhmrsa
State Mental Health Representative for Children and Youth
Services for Children with Special Needs
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
40 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
(207) 287-4251
Web: www.state.me.us/dmhmrsa
State Mental Retardation Program
Mental Retardation Services
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
40 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
(207) 287-4242; (207) 287-2000 (TTY)
Web: www.state.me.us/dmhmrsa
State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
Department of Labor
150 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0150
(207) 624-5954; (207) 624-5300
Web: www.state.me.us/rehab/
Technology-Related Assistance
Maine Consumer Information and Technology Training Exchange
Maine CITE Coordinating Center
University of Maine System, University College
46 University Drive
Augusta, ME 04330
(207) 621-3195 (V); (207) 621-3482 (TTY)
Email: KPowers | at | maine.edu
Web: http://www.mainecite.org/
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
Center for Community Inclusion, UAP
University of Maine
5717 Corbett Hall, Room 114
Orono, ME 04469-5717
(207) 581-1084; (207) 581-3328 (TTY)
Email: lu.zeph | at | umit.maine.edu
Web: http://www.umaine.edu/cci/
United Cerebral Palsy of Northeastern Maine
700 Mt. Hope Avenue, Suite 320
Bangor, ME 04401
(207) 941-2885; (207) 941-2952 (V/TTY)
Email: ucp2 | at | midmaine.com
Web: http://www.ucpofmaine.org/
VSA Arts of Maine
P.O. Box 4002
Portland, ME 04101
(207) 761-3861 (V/TTY)
Email: me | at | vsarts.org
Washington County Children’s Program
Lee McBride, Executive Director
P.O. Box 311
Machias, ME 04654
(207) 255-3426; (800) 545-0873; (207) 255-3426 (fax)
Email: dhelder | at | wccp.net or wccp | at | wccp.net
Web: http://www.wccp.net
Developmental Therapy ages 0-5; Case Management 0-21; Dental Program in schools; Grow With Us and Outreach services; training and support.
Lynne Williams, Esq.
Attorney at Law
13 Albert Meadow
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
(207) 266-6327
Email: LWilliamsLaw | at | earthlink.net
Special Education Attorney and estate planner (supplemental needs trusts), serving the families of Downeast Maine. Former special education independent hearing officer.
Woodfords Family Services
Paul Nau, Executive Director
PO Box 1768
Portland, ME 04104-1768
(207) 878-9663; (207) 878-2259 (fax)
Email: development | at | woodfords.org
Web: http://www.woodfords.org
Nonprofit organization providing serving people with special needs through preschools, behavioral consultation, case management, therapeutic foster care, in home support, adult residential and more.