Capitol Insider

Capitol Insider September 17, 2018

Action Alert

Protect the Civil Rights of People with Disabilities: Oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s Confirmation

Urge Congress to Pass the EMPOWER Care Act

Major Recent Events

Budget & Appropriations – Committee Approves FY 2019 Defense and L-HHS-ED Package

On September 13, a conference committee approved an appropriations package that funds the Departments of Defense and Labor Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (L-HHS-ED) for fiscal year (FY) 2019 that begins on October 1. Most of The Arc’s priority programs were level funded or received slight increases and controversial policy riders have been removed. The Senate is expected to vote on final passage this week, and the House during the week of September 24. Funding levels for The Arc’s priority programs can be found here.

Tax – House Committee Approves Second Round of Tax Cuts

On September 13, the House Ways and Means Committee approved a package of three tax bills (H.R. 6760, H.R. 6757, H.R. 6756), collectively referred to as “Tax Reform 2.0”. H.R. 6760 makes permanent the individual tax cuts from last year’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that are presently set to expire in 2025; H.R. 6757 makes various changes to retirement savings rules, including allowing penalty-free withdrawals for expenses related to birth or adoption; and H.R. 6756 makes various tax changes for startup companies. The full House is expected to vote on the package by the end of the month. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) has said he wants the measure voted on before leaving for the recess and the final campaign push before November. The Arc opposes Tax Reform 2.0 as it sharply reduces federal revenue, extends tax cuts that primarily benefit wealthy individuals, and will create greater pressure to cut critical programs for people with disabilities. Read more from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities here and see the statement from CCD’s Fiscal Policy Task Force here.


Employment / Income Support – New Briefs, Video Highlight the Need for Paid Leave in the Disability Community

The Arc and the Research and Training Center on Community Living at the University of Minnesota have released two new data briefs from the Family & Individual Needs for Disability Supports (FINDS) survey. The briefs look at the work experiences and outcomes of families of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and the need for paid leave policies. One brief focuses on parents raising children with I/DD, while a second brief focuses on family caregivers of adults with I/DD. In addition, The Arc has released a new video which shares a personal story highlighting the importance of access to paid leave for people with disabilities and their families. Learn more at

Health – CMS Announces Navigator Grants

On September 12, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced grants awarded for the Federally-Facilitated Exchange Navigator Program. Total funding has been reduced to $10 million which is down from $63 million in 2016 and $36 million in 2017. Navigators are charged with assisting consumers in choosing health plans. The administration is also eliminating a requirement that grantees have a physical presence in the area in which they operate. The Administration is also encouraging navigators to inform consumers about association health plans and short-term limited duration health plans, which do not have the protections of the Affordable Care Act. To find the navigator grantees in your state visit this list.


Moms in Motion Free Webinar

Free Webinar to explain EPSDT and the DMAS-7 Process!

Save the Date! 

Tuesday, September 18th from 7pm-8pm

We’ve heard your concerns and questions about EPSDT and we are here to help. Lauren Beckner and Stacie Mikels are the corporate trainers with Moms In Motion/ At Home Your Way and we’ll be having a free Webinar to explain the process and myths out there. We’ll help you plan for your child’s authorization date and explain the process of EPSDT. Please RSVP to this link:

We’ll send the link for the webinar a few days before the event! Feel free to share this with friends and other families who may be impacted by this change. 

We’ll also be recording this session and will post it on our Moms In Motion Facebook page afterwards. 

Have questions? Email The Training Department

We look forward to seeing you all and answering any questions that you may have!

For more information contact 



DOJ Settlements

DOJ reaches agreement with the City of Philadelphia Police Department to ensure effective communication for deaf and hard of hearing individuals

The Justice Department today reached a settlement agreement with the City of Philadelphia Police Department to resolve allegations that it violated Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act by denying deaf and hard of hearing individuals full and equal opportunities to participate in and benefit from its programs, services, and activities.

People interested in finding out more about the ADA, or this agreement may call the toll-free ADA Information Line at 1-800-514-0301 or 1-800-514-0383 (TDD), or access the ADA website at

DOJ Settlements

DOJ reaches agreement with The Pawn Shop to ensure equal access for individuals with disabilities who use service dogs

The Justice Department reached an agreement under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with The Pawn Shop and Tax Service, Inc., (The Pawn Shop) in Pensacola, Florida to resolve a complaint under title III of the ADA.  The Department’s investigation found that the manager of The Pawn Shop asked a veteran who uses a service dog to leave because the manager mistakenly believed the dog was a pet, not a service dog.  Public accommodations must permit Individuals who use service dogs, including veterans with disabilities who use service dogs for disabilities such as post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, or mobility disabilities, into their establishments.

The settlement agreement requires The Pawn Shop to adopt and implement a service dog policy consistent with the ADA; provide training on the service dog policy to employees and managers; and post the service dog policy in the Shop and on social media. The Pawn Shop cooperated with the Department throughout the investigation.

People interested in finding out more about the ADA or this agreement can call the toll-free ADA Information Line at 1-800-514-0301 or 1-800-514-0383 (TDD), or access the ADA website at